Guilaine Jeanpierre

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Guilaine Jean Pierre is a French and Mauritian figurative artist, living in Brussels.

Current times have prompted her to take a new interest in the unchanging art of the old masters (antique-renaissance-classical-expressionism ...) and to reinterpret them in her own way as if to seek comfort while we live in uncertain times.

What matters above all are the attitudes of the characters: the position of the hands, the bodies, the glances exchanged and the hidden intentions. Although seeming to be realistic, her characters' shapes and features are slightly distorted or androgynous, distilling an unreal and strange feeling. Guilaine tends to always look for grace and softness whether in the faces or in the colours, as to give an old-finished touch. She mainly works with gouache and watercolour on paper.

Her paintings are evolving towards a more private and intimate feeling, with warm and diffused colours.